Getting Ready for Colonoscopy in Montreal: The Dreaded yet Necessary Medical Procedure
One medical procedure that brings out a feeling of dread among people is a colonoscopy. The thought of a long tube wiggling around the large intestine, the camera pushing its way through the soft colon can be frightening. It sends a shiver down the spine of those who are about to get a tube inserted into their anus. However dreaded it may be, a colonoscopy in Montreal is still a necessary procedure. Also, the pain associated with the procedure is often exaggerated. A timely colonoscopy can literally be the difference between life and death as rectal cancer often goes undetected. This life-saving diagnostic procedure may cause you partial discomfort but it’ll save you from a world of pain afterwards. What is a colonoscopy? It is a diagnostic medical procedure to assess intestinal health; large intestine in particular. The healthcare practitioner inserts a tube with a tiny camera attached to it into the rectal opening. The tube is then moved along the colon to check the inside of the...